Depressive Disorders

Assessment and Treatment of Depression

Depression is a common illness that can become unmanageable and interfere with work, home, and relationships.

Common symptoms include sadness, hopelessness, sleep disturbance, appetite changes, and thoughts of wanting to disappear, or worse. Many people may feel guilty or feel like they have let others down, and consequently, they try to manage their symptoms on their own. This may lead to substance use and increased feelings of failure.

Depressive symptoms may be new due to a difficult situation, like job stressors, relationship problems, or health issues. Depression may have been present for a while but recently become worse, and you are beginning to realize you need help to manage your symptoms.

Depressive Disorders vanguard psychiatry

We Provide An Evidence-Based Approach To Treatment

Accepting these symptoms are interfering with your otherwise productive life is the start of acknowledging and solving the problem. Often it takes reviewing various areas of your life to determine what may be contributing to your distress. Areas to consider include relationships, environment, behaviors, thought or emotions, and your physical health. Speaking to a mental health professional can help you learn evidence-based practices to manage distress.

Evidence-based practices are therapeutic approaches that have been thoroughly researched and tested many times to determine how effective they are. Often, studies are conducted using various ages, cultural groups, and other variables that can help determine whether this approach is effective across different populations. At Vanguard Psychiatry, we provide evidence-based practices to treat various mental health issues.

Working with a trained psychiatric professional can help demystify the symptoms you are experiencing and help you find solutions. At Vanguard Psychiatry, we understand that mental health treatment is not a “one size fits all” approach. Instead, each person is given time to explain their unique situation. Then, Dr Defilippo will explore solutions that provide relief and help you enjoy life again.

How Can Vanguard Psychiatry Help?

Take the example of John, age 38

He has a promising career, a spouse, and a couple of kids. On the outside, John appears to have a good life and takes care of his responsibilities.

However, recently John has been having back pain, and the doctors have not been able to figure out the cause(s) or how to provide long-term relief. John had some early childhood trauma, and now he gets intrusive thoughts about those early years. John previously worked out, but has lost all motivation and often comes home from work, takes a nap, gets up for dinner, watches tv, has a couple of drinks, and then goes back to bed.

John often struggles with despair, worthlessness and sometimes wishes he were dead. John has shared these thoughts with his wife, and she encouraged him to see a mental health professional.

This example of John is a common scenario for adults who seem happy, but often feel like they’re wearing a mask or pretending. Then, when their symptoms become too much to bear, they try to self-medicate or escape through various means. Fortunately, John’s wife has encouraged him to seek professional help, and they gave Vanguard Psychiatry a call.



How can Vanguard Psychiatry help John?

First, Dr. Defilippo will provide an extensive intake to get to know John and understand his needs. An intake consists of asking questions about John’s medical issues, family history, work, relationships, current and future goals. When these areas have been sufficiently explored, Dr. Defilippo and John will collaborate to develop a treatment plan that will help John begin to feel more hopeful.

An essential element to the treatment plan is accessing John’s personal strengths or resources to help support his recovery. For example, John has a supportive family, is interested in maintaining his physical health, and has a career that he enjoys. Therefore, John’s treatment plan may include learning coping strategies to integrate these positive elements of his life.

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